「對了,去上海吧!」Yes,Go Shanghai ...
Error! The "meta description" is missing, the page has no summary description!
- Select one version of your site as main and make a redirect from other versions to that one.
- Avoid using deprecated HTML tags.
Domain : www.mylifebits.org/
Character length : 19
「對了,去上海吧!」Yes,Go Shanghai!「曾喬治的旅遊見聞~」 My Life Bits
Keywords (meta keywords)
Good! The website does not use “meta keywords”.
Open Graph Protocol
Good! The OG (Open Graph) protocol is set on this website.
url: http://www.mylifebits.org/
title: 「對了,去上海吧!」Yes,Go Shanghai!「曾喬治的旅遊見聞~」 My Life Bits
description: 本站共有2500篇文章,是目前介紹上海旅遊相關資訊最多的blog,每周更新!台灣人的上海見聞、上海台灣人、上海幫幫主<br>
上海、廣州、日本、歐洲旅遊,美食、玩具、音樂、電影、生活、好書與好地方。Shanghai 、Guangzhou Travel Guide
Dublin Core
Dublin Core is not used
Underscores in the URLs
Error! Hyphen (-) is a better solution than underscore (_) in the URLs
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2014/08/blog-post_16.html ("想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談 (上海工作薪資) 去中國工作Q與A")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2014/08/blog-post_16.html ("想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談 (上海工作薪資)")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2015/06/blog-post_24.html ("上海旅遊攻略:土生土長上海導遊的一些建議!!")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/p/blog-page_28.html ("上海特色美食排行榜 !!! shanghai special foods Leaderboard")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2014/08/blog-post_16.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2013/11/blog-post_12.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2013/11/blog-post_12.html ("上海七浦路衣服批發市場:開價開得很誇張!殺價殺得很厲害!")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2016/04/blog-post_28.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2016/04/blog-post_28.html ("臺灣人如何在大陸買房?投資上海房地產不求人!大陸買房必看:史上最嚴房地產調控是否會刺破一線城市泡沫?")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2015/12/blog-post_31.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2015/12/blog-post_31.html ("到中國大陸免簽之後,還要辦境外人員臨時住宿登記單嗎?(暫住證) 暫住證有哪些用途?")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2011/09/blog-post_16.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2011/09/blog-post_16.html ("暫時不會再去宜蘭了之老店一堆,沒幾家像樣的")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2013/03/blog-post_14.html
- http://www.mylifebits.org/2013/03/blog-post_14.html ("謝謝各位的指教,文章若有冒犯之處,請見諒。 (跪)!")
- Expand
Search engine friendly URLs
Error! Not all URLs are SEO friendly on this website!
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/search?updated-max=2017-01-17T10:08:00%2... ("較舊的文章")
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- http://www.mylifebits.org/.. /rearrange?blogID=4819154796164832798&wid...
- Expand
Checking the robots.txt file
The robots.txt file is missing!
Social Engagement
No info found.
Perfect! The character encoding is set: UTF-8.
Error! No language localization is found.
「對了,去上海吧!」Yes,Go Shanghai!「曾喬治的旅遊見聞~」 My Life Bits
Character length : 106
Improve! The website address (title) should be between 10 and 70 characters in length.
Character length : 106
Improve! The website address (title) should be between 10 and 70 characters in length.
Text / HTML ratio
Ratio : 5%
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
Error! The text / HTML code ratio is under 15 percent on this website. This value shows that the website has relatively few text content.
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
2 | 19 | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Heading structure in the source code
- <H1> 「對了,去上海吧!」Yes,Go Shanghai!「曾喬治的旅遊見聞~」 My Life Bits
- <H2> 2017年4月13日 星期四
- <H3> [嘉義新開幕] 玉山旅社咖啡、承億小鎮慢讀、新文旅房型多親子出遊一站滿足(天成文旅-繪日之丘)、嘉義慢慢走老屋散策越老越有味
- <H2> 2017年4月7日 星期五
- <H3> [嘉義超划算] 加勒比海CARIBBEAN:內用紅茶只要35元!?以後不用跟朋友約在麥當勞或全家超商了~ 嘉義市仁愛路452號
- <H2> 2017年4月4日 星期二
- <H3> [嘉義新開店] 肚臍DuQi:玩具店+服飾店+咖啡廳,店主有非常驚人的玩具總動員玩具收藏可觀賞~
- <H1> 肚臍 DuQi
- <H3> 50年前的彈珠檯 VS 現在的彈珠檯(打香腸機)
- <H2> 2017年3月28日 星期二
- <H3> 滬台商嘆:錢難借生意更難做了!!!
- <H2> 2017年3月6日 星期一
- <H3> 嘉義筷趣大飯店:精選食材的古早味套餐食堂(無菜單)一人300元
- <H2> 2017年3月5日 星期日
- <H3> 皮克斯三十周年特展 2017
- <H2> 2017年3月2日 星期四
- <H3> 2017年中國大陸薪水行情:中國漲薪變慢第五年,你的薪水OK嘛?
- <H2> 2017年1月17日 星期二
- <H3> Gucci全面五折!Coach三折!!上海浦東"佛羅倫斯小鎮"開業,上海Outlet是否太多?
- <H3> 日本郵局限定《哆啦A夢餐具組》記憶麵包餐盤好可愛啊~還有限定的《雞年新年KitKat》可以當作明信片寄出喔
- <H2> 精選文章
- <H3> 想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談 (上海工作薪資) 去中國工作Q與A
- <H2> 本站指引地圖
- <H2> 關於版主
- <H2> Google+ Followers
- <H2> 本週 TOP 10
- <H2> 曾喬治其他 BLOG
- <H2> Blog Archive
- <H2> 進入各專欄
- <H2> My Instagram
- <H2> 歷來熱門文章 TOP5
- <H2> 本月熱門文章 TOP5
Word cloud
- 分享至20
- facebook11
- blogthis!10
- 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章10
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- twitter10
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- 十二月8
- 閱讀更多8
- 上海工作薪資6
- 嘉義故鄉啊chiayi5
- 想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談5
- 我這人很愛吃4
- 去中國工作q與a4
- shanghai4
- travel4
- www4
- 好棒的店家3
- 復古玩具3
- 我愛買玩具3
- 嘉義新開店3
- george3
- barbarian3
- 肚臍duqi:玩具店+服飾店+咖啡廳,店主有非常驚人的玩具總動員玩具收藏可觀賞~3
- 星期二3
- 嘉義超划算3
- 玉山旅社咖啡、承億小鎮慢讀、新文旅房型多親子出遊一站滿足3
- 嘉義新開幕3
- 本文除了版主喬治自己的看法之外,還整理了許多在上海打拼的前輩的看法。給想到上海求職的朋友參考。3
- 如果你年輕,你應該來上海3
- guide3
- 天成文旅-繪日之丘3
- 如果怕吃苦,千萬不要到上海,上海是個現實的地方!3
- http3
- 不來到上海,不知道你的錢少。3
- !如果想賺錢,你必須來上海!3
- 來上海打拼吧!不論是找工作3
- 大陸搜奇2
- 謝謝各位的指教,文章若有冒犯之處,請見諒。2
- 王者之劍2
- 該來看展了2
- 我好愛小叮噹2
- 我也想擁有2
- guangzhou2
- conan2
- 上海七浦路衣服批發市場:開價開得很誇張!殺價殺得很厲害!2
- 、嘉義慢慢走老屋散策越老越有味2
- 百貨公司2
- duqi2
- 最近碰巧路過這間有趣的店鋪,店主說她們是今年農曆年後開幕的2
- 星期四2
- booking2
- life2
- bits2
- 台北玩具、電玩、動漫集散地:台北地下街y區,還有女僕咖啡2
- blog2
- 店鋪一樓是玩具販售與服飾店,二三樓是茶點2
Keyword matrix
word | title | descriptions | heading |
分享至 | |||
blogthis! | |||
以電子郵件傳送這篇文章 | |||
標籤: | |||
Two Word cloud
- 分享至 facebook10
- 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章 blogthis!10
- 這篇文章的連結 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章6
- twitter 分享至6
- pinterest 標籤:6
- 想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談 上海工作薪資5
Three Word cloud
- 分享至 facebook 分享到10
- 這篇文章的連結 以電子郵件傳送這篇文章 blogthis!10
- 想到上海工作嗎?上海工作甘苦談 上海工作薪資 去中國工作q與a2
404 Page
The website has a 404 error page.
Flash content
Good! The website does not have any flash contents.
Error! The website uses iFrame solutions. This type of contents are not indexed by Google.
We found 72 images on this web page.
Alternate attributes for the following 69 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
Alternate attributes for the following 69 images are missing. Search engines use "alt" tags to understand image content efficiently. We strongly recommend fixing this issue.
- https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_wrench_allbkg.png (18 occurrences)
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E6%2585...
- https://resources.blogblog.com/img/icon18_edit_allbkg.gif (9 occurrences)
- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%255B%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E8...
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%255B%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E6...
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- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/.. /Gucci%25E5%2585%25A8%25E9%259D%25A2%25E4...
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/.. /Gucci%25E5%2585%25A8%25E9%259D%25A2%25E4...
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- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%25E7%25B5%2582%25E6%2596%25BC%25E5%258E...
- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%25E4%25B8%258A%25E6%25B5%25B7%25E4%25B8... (1 occurrences)
- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%E6%9D%9C%E6%8B%9C%E6%97%85%E9%81%8A%E5%...
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- https://4.bp.blogspot.com/.. /IMG_4355.JPG (1 occurrences)
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- https://2.bp.blogspot.com/.. /460567.jpg
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- http://4.bp.blogspot.com/.. /111.jpg
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%255B%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E6...
- https://3.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%255B%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E8...
- https://1.bp.blogspot.com/.. /%25E5%2598%2589%25E7%25BE%25A9%25E6%2585...
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Redirection (www / not www)
Error! The web address is accessible with and without www!
Deprecated HTML elements
Good! No deprecated HTML tags are detected.
Suggestion! Unfortunately, no printer-friendly CSS found.
Meta Tag (viewport tag, mobile devices)
Error! The meta tag named viewport is missing.
Server response time
The server response time is fast enough.
Table layout
Good! No nested tables found.
Render blocking resources
Good! No render blocking elements found!
Good! Just a few javascript files are detected on the website.
File size of all javascript files combined
Javascript minifying
Great! The Javascript files are minified.
Good! Just a few CSS files are used on this website.
File size of all css files combined
CSS minifying
Great! The CSS elements are minified.
Uncompressed size of the of the HTML
Gzip compression
Your site uses compression.
Browser cache
The browser cache is set correctly for all elements.
File size of all images combined
Image optimisation
All images are optimized.
We found a total of 333 different links.
Internal links: 302
External links: 31
Internal links: 302
External links: 31
External links:
Internal links:
External hidden links
Good! No hidden external links found
Looking for eval()
Good! No eval(bas64_decode()) scripts are found
Checking for XSS vulnerability
No XSS vulnerability found
Email encryption
Good! We have not found any unencrypted email addresses.
Good! The website uses favicon.
ylifebits.org, mnylifebits.org, nylifebits.org, mhylifebits.org, hylifebits.org, mylifebits.org, ylifebits.org, mjylifebits.org, jylifebits.org, mkylifebits.org, kylifebits.org, mlylifebits.org, lylifebits.org, m ylifebits.org, ylifebits.org, mlifebits.org, mytlifebits.org, mtlifebits.org, myglifebits.org, mglifebits.org, myhlifebits.org, mhlifebits.org, myjlifebits.org, mjlifebits.org, myulifebits.org, mulifebits.org, myifebits.org, mylpifebits.org, mypifebits.org, myloifebits.org, myoifebits.org, mylifebits.org, myifebits.org, myliifebits.org, myiifebits.org, mylkifebits.org, mykifebits.org, mylmifebits.org, mymifebits.org, myl.ifebits.org, my.ifebits.org, mylfebits.org, myliufebits.org, mylufebits.org, mylijfebits.org, myljfebits.org, mylifebits.org, mylfebits.org, mylilfebits.org, myllfebits.org, myliofebits.org, mylofebits.org, myli8febits.org, myl8febits.org, myli9febits.org, myl9febits.org, myli*febits.org, myl*febits.org, myliebits.org, mylifcebits.org, mylicebits.org, mylifdebits.org, mylidebits.org, mylifeebits.org, mylieebits.org, mylifrebits.org, mylirebits.org, myliftebits.org, mylitebits.org, mylifgebits.org, myligebits.org, mylifbebits.org, mylibebits.org, mylifvebits.org, mylifbits.org, mylifewbits.org, mylifwbits.org, mylifesbits.org, mylifsbits.org, mylifebits.org, mylifbits.org, mylifedbits.org, mylifdbits.org, mylifefbits.org, myliffbits.org, myliferbits.org, mylifrbits.org, mylife3bits.org, mylif3bits.org, mylife4bits.org, mylif4bits.org, mylifeits.org, mylifebvits.org, mylifevits.org, mylifebfits.org, mylifefits.org, mylifebgits.org, mylifegits.org, mylifebits.org, mylifeits.org, mylifebhits.org, mylifehits.org, mylifebnits.org, mylifenits.org, mylifeb its.org, mylife its.org, mylifebts.org, mylifebiuts.org, mylifebuts.org, mylifebijts.org, mylifebjts.org, mylifebits.org, mylifebts.org, mylifebilts.org, mylifeblts.org, mylifebiots.org, mylifebots.org, mylifebi8ts.org, mylifeb8ts.org, mylifebi9ts.org, mylifeb9ts.org, mylifebi*ts.org, mylifeb*ts.org, mylifebis.org, mylifebitrs.org, mylifebirs.org, mylifebitfs.org, mylifebifs.org, mylifebitgs.org, mylifebigs.org, mylifebiths.org, mylifebihs.org, mylifebitys.org, mylifebiys.org, mylifebit5s.org, mylifebi5s.org, mylifebit6s.org, mylifebi6s.org, mylifebit.org, mylifebitsq.org, mylifebitq.org, mylifebitsw.org, mylifebitw.org, mylifebitse.org, mylifebite.org, mylifebitsz.org, mylifebitz.org, mylifebitsx.org, mylifebitx.org, mylifebitsc.org, mylifebitc.org